Research Projects

2021-22Empirical Study -cum-Documentation on Folklore of Khadia Tribes of Odisha
2021-22Rituals and Festivals of Odisha
2020-21Tribal Folktales and Folk Songs on Tribal Culture
2017-18Folklore and Folktales of Selected Tribal Communities of Odisha
2016-17Study on Tribal Heritage Agricultural System (THAS): A Good Practices by Saoras of Odisha
2015-16Ethnographic study of Tribal Tattooing
2014-15Ethnographic of Tribal Painting in the Context of Gond Tribe of Odisha
2013-14Compilation and Publication of Tribal Folklore (including Tribal Housing Patterns)
2013-14Photographic Documentation of Selective Major Tribes of Odisha (20 Tribes)
2013-14Language Mapping in SSD Schools of Odisha
2012-13Publication of Bi-lingual Dictionary on Ho, Saora Tribe
2012-13Preparation and Compilation of Koya and Desia Folklore
2011-12Preparation and Publication of Photographic Handbook (Oriya) of PTGs of Odisha.
2010-11Linguistic & Baseline Survey of 16 Tribal Languages (MLE)
2009-10Study and Documentation of selected Indigenous Knowledge System of Seven PTGs of Orissa (Bonda, Kutia Kandha, Dungria Kondha, Soara, Bhuinyan/ Bhuyan, Junaga & Hill Kardia)
2009-10Study and documentation of folklore of Santal, Munda, Holva, Oraon & Kisan Tribes of Orissa.
2009-10Study of Documentation of Tribal Folktales of Six PTGs of Odisha
2008-09 Academy has undertake Desia Riddles & Proverbs studies and Studies of Saora Folksongs out from the 2007, 2008 budget. In the mean while study of Desia Riddles and Proverbs has been completed and published. Study of Saora Folksongs is going on.
2008-09Tribal of Orissa have rich tradition of dances performed in groups. Due to influence of electronic media, television, and cinema and due to rapid change of socio-economic life-style of the people, the dance forms are losing their traditional form. Considering the above fact before making an imparical study on dances 20 nos. of research based articles on different aspects of tribal dance have been collected from field based researchers. The articles have been duly edited and finally published in a book form, which was released on the valedictory function of Annual Adivasi Exhibition 2009.
2007-08Collection of data on Desia Riddles and Saora Folk Songs are in progress.
2007-08Collection of data on Santal Binti is completed and preparation of report is in progress.
2007-08Translated the "Scheduled Tribes & Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act 2006" in Oriya Language and submitted the same to the ST & SC Development Department.
2007-08ATDC has prepared Primers on 10 tribal languages i.e. Santal, Saora, Kui, Kuvi, Koya, Bonda, Juang, Kisan, Oraon and Munda as supplementary reader for Class-I students of Santal, Saora, Kui, Kuvi, Koya, Bonda, Juang, Kisan, Oraon and Munda tribal communities.
2007-08ATDC has prepared Courses of Studies on 8 tribal languages i.e. Santal, Saora, Kui, Sadri, Oraon, Ho/Munda, Koya and Kuvi for imparting tribal language training to primary school teachers of respective areas.
2006-07The Academy has undertaken Bio-graphy studies on Sonaram Soren, T. Sangana, Rabisingh Majhi, Ratna Naik, Bairu Gamango, Rohidas Singh Nag, Dayanidhi Mallik and prepared manuscripts.
2005-06Preparation of Kisan, Oraon, Sadri, Kui, Desia and Khadia. Version of Constitution provision meant for tribal.
2005-06Preparation of Bridge course Materials (DERNA) for drop-out students.
2005-06Preparation of Desia Language Training Module.
2005-06Preparation of Teacher's Hand Book (Madang
2005-06(II)Sabas Soraj Two books on Health (12)SusamaKhadya (13)GuruBachanaSixbooksonRuralActivity (14)SangharaDambha (15)BiluaKalaBhakvia
2005-06Eight books on environment (I)Chal Buliju Amar Gaonke (2)AmarGaonAmarKhaman (3) Kuhata Dekhi - I (4)KuhataDekhi-II (5)GeetKudiaraGeet
2005-06Preparation of 30 nos. of Pictorial Readers in Desia Language for class - II.
2005-06Language Mapping in the District of Koraput.
2005-06Preparation of Manuscript on Kuiga-a-ni of Kutia Kondh relating to the origin of their Culture.
2005-06Biography study and Preparation of Manuscripts on Padmashree Tulashi Munda, Biplabi Tamadora and Biplabi Rendo Majhi.
2004-2005(g) Seven books on Language and Environment (1) Rupura Kata (2) Bhojira Maja (3) Pani Marigala Jhani (4) Kukuda Tia (5) Asha Nat Karu (6) Deshar Parab (7) Mamar Ladu.
2004-2005(f) Five books on activity (1) Amar Barash Mas (2) Ashare Pila Hasa (3) Alu ..Ta (4) Idi Idi Tupusi (5) Bhabi dekha
2004-2005(e)Seven books on Calculation and Environment on Life and Livelihood (1) Gula Gula Sabu Gula (2)Mar Janam Bhuin (3) Suta Kata pakna Phuta (4) Ek Ari Dui (5) Kamar Bela (6) Hanu Daktar (7) Misle Jitbu
2004-2005(d) Four books based on Folklore (1) Patli Duma (2) Tere pete (3) Rani Pakna Shabha (4) Khaman Naila Pada
2004-2005 (c)Seven books on Home, Cultivation, Fores, Dance & Music etc (1) Amar Ghar (2) Tala lagar Bag (3) Amar Tash (4) Bagha Mamar Bagicha (5) Pat Padha Ghar (6) Amar Kaman (7) Asha Nacha Karu
2004-2005(b) Fourteen books on Sports, Village Environment, Festival, Agriculture, Family, Livelihood, Animal and Tribal Culture (1)Khelkud (2)Amar Gaon (3)Amar Hat (4) Amar Nachgita (5) Amar Parab (6) Amar Tashbash (7) Amar Sag Dal (8) Amar Ghar Dwar (9) Kie Kanti Raishi (10) Amar Jiwan (11) Amar Matir Jinish (12) Amar Ban (13) Mor Niti Dina Kam (14) Amar China Sansar
2004-2005The books are (a)Six books on Tribal Folklore (1) Jatia Samaru (2) Chatur Kalia (3)Khada Kachim (4) Labara Dakara (5) Bag Ari Kakda (6) Bakua Kalia
2004-2005Preparation of 50 nos. of Pictorial Readers in Desia Language for class - I
2004-2005Study and preparation of manuscripts of Indigenous Cultural Capabilities and Habits on Bhottada and Dhelki Khadia Tribal Communities.
2004-2005Study and preparation of manuscripts on Aesthetic Manifestation in Art and Crafts of Dongaria Kondh and Lanjia Saora Tribal Communities.
2004-2005Collection and preparation of manuscripts on Bhumia folklore.
2004-2005Preparation of booklet of Translated version of various constitutional safeguards and protective and preventive legislation in different tribal languages for socio-economic justice.
2004-2005Preparation of language hand books in Didayi, Dharua, Bhottoda, Koya, Gond, Halva, Khadia, Parenga, Sadri and Kisan languages of Orissa.
2004-2005Preparation of Desia Cultural Dictionary
2003-2004Preparation booklet of translated version of Regulation 2 of 1956, silent features of the amended regulations meant for tribals of Orissa into different fourteen tribal dialects.
2003-2004Collection of resource persons of well-known tribal herbal medicine man, artist, craft persons, singers, dancers, musicians, writers and others for preparation of Directory.
2003-2004Preparation of language handbooks in Santal, Ho, Paroja, Oraon, Bonda, Bhumij, Munda, Kui, Kuvi, Desia languages of Orissa.
2003-2004Folklore studies on Oraon and Koya tribes.
2003-2004Ethnography study on little known tribes such as Saunti, Malhar, Gondia, Banjara, Bagta, Jatapu, Matiya, Omanatya, Parenga and Rajuar tribes of Orissa.
2003-2004Study of Indigenous Cultural Capabilities and Habits of the Bonda, Ho, Bhumija, Juang, Didayi, Chukutia Bhunjia, Hill Khadia, Mankidia, Desia Kondh, Kutia Kondh, Gadaba, Lanjia Saora, Dongaria Kondh, Pauri Bhuiyan, Santal, Koya, Paroja, Lodha, Bhumiya, Holva, Gond, Dharua, Binjhia, Oraon, Kisan tribes of Orissa.
2002-2003Translation work of Regulation -2 of 1956 in Santali, Sadri, Munda, Saora, Desia and Paroja language.
2002-2003Folklore study on Didayi, Paroja and Juang (ATDC Project)
2000-2001Study on Impact of Introduction of OL-CHIKI Script on 30 schools of Orissa (Sponsored by OPEPA).
2000-2001Folklore study on Ho, Bhumij Dharua, Chuktia Bhunjia, Bhatra (Sponsored by ATDC).
1999-2000 Lodha Culture (Sponsored by ATDC).
1998-99Linguistic survey and Mapping in 4 DPEP Districts of Orissa. (Sponsored by OPEPA).
1997-98Special Primers for class - I of Saora & Kondh tribes (Sponsored by the Orissa Primary Education Programme Authority (OPEPA), Govt, of Orissa).
1995-96Music & Musical Instruments of Juang (Sponsored by ATDC).
1995-96Gond Samaj O Samskruti (Sponsored by ATDC).
1991-92Tribal Freedom Fighters of Orissa (Sponsored by the Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi).
1991-92Codification of Tribal Music & Descriptive enumeration of Musical Instruments (Sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development).
1991-92Rituals & Festivals of the Primitive Tribes of Orissa (Sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt, of India).
1991-92Tribal Art of Orissa (Sponsored by the ATDC).
1991-92Parenga, Gondi, Sadri, Bhumij, Paraja (Sponsored by the Ministry of Welfare (TD), Govt, of India.
1991-92Saora Script its origin and formation (Sponsored by the Institute of Archaeology, New Delhi).
1990-91Ho, Bathudi, Bondo, Mundari, Kuvi (Sponsored by the Ministry of Welfare (TD) Govt, of India).
1989-90Gadaba, Kharia, Koya, Lanjia Saora, Juang (Sponsored by the Ministry of Welfare (TD), Govt, of India).
1986Study on Tribal Languages Oraon, Kisan, Santali, Kui, Didayi (Sponsored by ATDC).


State level felicitation ceremony (5th September, 2015)
State level felicitation ceremony (5th September, 2015) organised by ST and SC Development Department, Govt. of Odisha
Adivasi Mela will be inaugurated on 26 Jan 2015
Date: 12-Jan-2015

Guidelines for Sargiful - 2015
Date: 17-Oct-2015

Maintenance of Accommodation facilities and electrical fittings
Date: 19-Jun-2017

Supply of Planting Materials and Machinery
Date: 19-Jun-2017

Quotation Call for Supply of 4G tablet
Date: 13-May-2017
Sealed quotations are invited from the dealers/suppliers for the supply of “4G Tablet” of reputed brand
Quotation CAll for AMC of AC
Date: 18.03.2017
